Enprisoned Hero
No Video Yet
Game Series: Street Fighter
Style: CvS P.o.T.S.
M.U.G.E.N. Version: 1.0

So, here is my most recent character- Cody Travers.
This one brings in not too funny story of his creation. Believe it or not, it all started with RAGE. It was rage at Varo_Hades' version of Cody, which was SO bad, that, trust me, I took it personally. I mean, the guy was there long before me, Cody was in his projects longer than most of my chars- and we've got THAT?
At any rate, originally my version of Cody was intended as a call-out for the guy, like "Get good! This is what we were supposed to get!", but, well, the rage goes away faster than characters get made, so now he kinda lost that meaning. But I sure hope Varo ill finally improve one day...



Léo CBe said...

Urban costume and Prisoner?

Anonymous said...

I love this Cody! Thank you so much for making him.